
The web3.cmt.governance module allows validators to vote on changes to the system state.


web3.cmt.governance.proposeRecoverFund(recoverFundObject [, callback])

Propose a fund recovery proposal. JSON RPC method: cmt_proposeTransferFund.


  • recoverFundObject: Object - The fund recovery proposal object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • transferFrom: String - From account address.
    • transferTo: String - To account address.
    • amount: String - Amount of CMTs in Wei.
    • reason: String - (optional) Reason.
    • expireBlockHeight: Number - (optional) Expiration block height.
    • expireTimestamp: Number - (optional) Timestamp when the proposal will expire.

    Note: You can specify expiration block height or timestamp, but not both. If none is specified, a default of 7 days, as measured in block height(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 10), will be used.

  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed. If successful, the ProposalID will be set in the data property, for validators to vote later.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  transferFrom: "0xc4abd0339eb8d57087278718986382264244252f",
  transferTo: "0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe",
  amount: web3.toWei(1000, "cmt")
web3.cmt.governance.proposeRecoverFund(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
      check_tx: { fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: {
        data: 'JTUx+ODH0/OSdgfC0Sn66qjn2tX8LfvbiwnArzNpIus=',
        gasUsed": '2000000',
        fee: {
            key: 'R2FzRmVl',
            value: "4000000000000000'
      hash: '95A004438F89E809657EB119ACBDB42A33725B39',
      height: 561
  } else {
      check_tx: { code: 20, log: 'Insufficient balance', fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: '9D9287A0A5876C8C40A06483DA8885581C073064',
      height: 0


web3.cmt.governance.proposeChangeParam(changeParamObject [, callback])

Propose a system parameter change. JSON RPC method: cmt_proposeChangeParam.


  • changeParamObject: Object - The system parameter change proposal object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • name: String - The name of the parameter.
    • value: String - New value of the parameter.
    • reason: String - (optional) Reason.
    • expireBlockHeight: Number - (optional) Expiration block height.
    • expireTimestamp: Number - (optional) Timestamp when the proposal will expire.

    Note: You can specify expiration block height or timestamp, but not both. If none is specified, a default of 7 days, as measured in block height(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 10), will be used.

  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed. If successful, the ProposalID will be set in the data property, for validators to vote later.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  name: "gas_price",
  value: "3000000000"
web3.cmt.governance.proposeChangeParam(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
      check_tx: { fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: {
        data: 'JTUx+ODH0/OSdgfC0Sn66qjn2tX8LfvbiwnArzNpIus=',
        gasUsed": '2000000',
        fee: {
            key: 'R2FzRmVl',
            value: "4000000000000000'
      hash: '95A004438F89E809657EB119ACBDB42A33725B39',
      height: 561
  } else {
      check_tx: { code: 20, log: 'Insufficient balance', fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: '9D9287A0A5876C8C40A06483DA8885581C073064',
      height: 0


web3.cmt.governance.proposeDeployLibEni(deployLibEniObject [, callback])

Propose a new library for ENI. JSON RPC method: cmt_proposeDeployLibEni.


  • deployLibEniObject: Object - The new ENI library proposal object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • name: String - The name of the library.
    • version: String - Version of the library, data format: vX.Y.Z, where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers.
    • fileUrl: String - JSON string of key/value pairs. Key is the name of the OS(so far, only ubuntu and centos are supported), value is the URL array to retrieve the library file.
    • md5: String - JSON string of key/value pairs. Key is the name of the OS(so far, only ubuntu and centos are supported), value is the MD5 of the library file.
    • reason: String - (optional) Reason.
    • deployBlockHeight: Number - (optional) The block number where the new ENI library will deploy.
    • deployTimestamp: Number - (optional) Timestamp when the new ENI library will deploy.

    Note: You can specify deploy block height or timestamp, but not both. If none is specified, a default of 7 days, as measured in block height(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 10), will be used.

  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed. If successful, the ProposalID will be set in the data property, for validators to vote later.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  name: "reverse",
  version: "v1.0.0",
    '{"ubuntu": ["https://libeni.cybermiles.io/libs/reverse/eni_reverse_1.2.0_ubuntu16.04.so", ""], \
      "centos": ["https://libeni.cybermiles.io/libs/reverse/eni_reverse_1.2.0_centos7.so", ""]}',
    '{"ubuntu": "b440ff88be3fb2d47da4f5b34577d92477bb7f01b52d9d3a09557ea83c97a696211453ff75fb3446b1e99e1a520df2d6539b47bc5151f2689598ecbba23e906d", \
      "centos": "04ae4cd328bd550aae2c18f9fb2945ab849ec763a075f2d6e6010a676dba526082233722827d684a0de733c48b7faa2846094026657d42c3bf360a313c7b0851"}'
web3.cmt.governance.proposeDeployLibEni(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
      check_tx: { fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: {
        data: 'si5Q/kUx/MyP3u1WRhG3LncLlOPAuDGB3kC3RBPcu+s=',
        gasUsed": '2000000',
        fee: {
            key: 'R2FzRmVl',
            value: "4000000000000000'
      hash: '37C51D16BA062A69CD5921E45326E9ED47EF0D77',
      height: 102
  } else {
      check_tx: { code: 20, log: 'Can not find fileurl for current os', fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: 'B02B62FFE66B4C04DF0E4161F934AF51C1312E31',
      height: 0


web3.cmt.governance.proposeRetireProgram(retireProgramObject [, callback])

Propose to retire the program. JSON RPC method: cmt_proposeRetireProgram.


  • retireProgramObject: Object - The program retire proposal object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • preservedValidators: String - A comma seperated validator public key list. Valiators in this list will be preserved, other validators will be deactivated.
    • reason: String - (optional) Reason.
    • retiredBlockHeight: Number - (optional) The block number where the program will retire. If not specified, a default of 7 days, as measured in block height(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 10), will be used.
  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed. If successful, the ProposalID will be set in the data property, for validators to vote later.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  reason: "system upgrade"
web3.cmt.governance.proposeRetireProgram(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
      check_tx: { fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: {
        data: "SoAy6sskKMSHRyx5o8oa5WQ2pzHelMm+USTedSO5qrU=",
        gasUsed: "2000000",
        fee: { key: "R2FzRmVl", value: "4000000000000000" }
      hash: "66C1E4CF36C915C5A4B940ED746819F112BBDDFC",
      height: 33
  } else {
      check_tx: {
        code: 20,
        log: "Found unresolved or approved retiring proposal",
        fee: {}
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: "CB21F18B1BE7A97F69EA95100E2294D978C74497",
      height: 0


web3.cmt.governance.proposeUpgradeProgram(upgradeProgramObject [, callback])

Propose to upgrade the program. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. JSON RPC method: cmt_proposeUpgradeProgram.


  • upgradeProgramObject: Object - The program upgrade proposal object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • name: String - The name of the program.
    • version: String - Version of the program, data format: vX.Y.Z, where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers.
    • fileUrl: String - JSON string of key/value pairs. Key is the name of the OS(so far, only ubuntu and centos are supported), value is the URL array to retrieve the program file.
    • md5: String - JSON string of key/value pairs. Key is the name of the OS(so far, only ubuntu and centos are supported), value is the MD5 of the file.
    • reason: String - (optional) Reason.
    • upgradeBlockHeight: Number - (optional) The block number where the new program will deploy. If not specified, a default of 7 days, as measured in block height(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 10), will be used.
  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed. If successful, the ProposalID will be set in the data property, for validators to vote later.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  name: "travis",
  version: "v1.0.0"
web3.cmt.governance.proposeUpgradeProgram(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
  } else {


web3.cmt.governance.vote(voteObject [, callback])

Vote on proposals of making changes to the system state. JSON RPC method: cmt_vote.

Here are some use cases:

  • Vote to change system wide parameters such as the system inflation rate.
  • Vote to accept new native libraries for ENI.
  • Vote to recover funds for users.


  • voteObject: Object - The vote object.

    • from: String - The address for the sending account. Uses the web3.cmt.defaultAccount property, if not specified. Must be a validator.
    • nonce: Number - (optional) The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • proposalId: String - The Proposal ID to vote.
    • answer: String - Y or N.
  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - The block number where the transaction is in. =0 if failed.
    • hash: String - Hash of the transaction.
    • check_tx: Object - CheckTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.
    • deliver_tx: Object - DeliverTx result. Contains error code and log if failed.


var payload = {
  from: "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
  proposalId: "JTUx+ODH0/OSdgfC0Sn66qjn2tX8LfvbiwnArzNpIus=",
  answer: "Y"
web3.cmt.governance.vote(payload, (err, res) => {
  if (!err) {
      check_tx: { fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: '95A004438F89E809657EB119ACBDB42A33725B39',
      height: 561
  } else {
      check_tx: { code: 20, log: 'Insufficient balance', fee: {} },
      deliver_tx: { fee: {} },
      hash: '9D9287A0A5876C8C40A06483DA8885581C073064',
      height: 0



Returns a list of all proposals. JSON RPC method: cmt_queryProposals.


  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - Current block number or the block number if specified.
    • data: Array - An array of all proposals.


var info = web3.cmt.governance.listProposals()
console.log(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2))
  "height": 58,
  "data": [
      "Id": "/YRNInf2DpWJ6KBcS+Xqa+EUiBH3DMgeM2T57tsMd2E=",
      "Type": "transfer_fund",
      "Proposer": "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
      "BlockHeight": 15,
      "ExpireBlockHeight": 20,
      "CreatedAt": "2018-07-03T14:27:11Z",
      "Result": "Expired",
      "ResultMsg": "",
      "ResultBlockHeight": 20,
      "ResultAt": "2018-07-03T14:28:01Z",
      "Detail": {
        "amount": "16",
        "from": "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
        "reason": "",
        "to": "0xd5bb0351974eca5d116eff840a03a9b96d8ba9e7"
      "Id": "DN6utTAmgX9Iy7naroaKgO2dEbIkwmwRPmmfk35cdEE=",
      "Type": "change_param",
      "Proposer": "0x7eff122b94897ea5b0e2a9abf47b86337fafebdc",
      "BlockHeight": 16,
      "ExpireBlockHeight": 60496,
      "CreatedAt": "2018-07-03T14:27:21Z",
      "Result": "",
      "ResultMsg": "",
      "ResultBlockHeight": 0,
      "ResultAt": "",
      "Detail": {
        "name": "gas_price",
        "reason": "test",
        "value": "3000000000"


web3.cmt.governance.getParams([height] [,callback])

Returns current settings of system parameters. JSON RPC method: cmt_queryParams.


  • height: Number - (optional) The block number. Default to 0, means current head of the blockchain.
  • callback: Function - (optional) If you pass a callback the HTTP request is made asynchronous. See this note for details.


  • Object - Result object.

    • height: Number - Current block number or the block number if specified.
    • data: Array - An array of all proposals.


var info = web3.cmt.governance.getParams()
console.log(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2))
  "height": 174,
  "data": {
    "hold_account": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "max_vals": 4,
    "self_staking_ratio": "0.1",
    "inflation_rate": 8,
    "stake_limit": "0.12",
    "unstake_wait_period": 60480,
    "proposal_expire_period": 60480,
    "declare_candidacy": 1000000,
    "update_candidacy": 1000000,
    "governance_proposal": 2000000,
    "gas_price": 2000000000